❈ プロフィール ❈ メッセージ ❈ MJストーリー ❈ Headphone Guru
❈ カレルエフェクト ❈CE-RELAX ❈ iExpansion ❈ ミュージック
Spiritual TV『進化するシンプルツールが意識の拡張!貴方のパワーを最大に♪ 楽器映像も!!』 - 2019/11/26
Spiritual TV『ナイスチームワークで宇宙カフェへ行きましょう』 - 2019/9/30
Spiritual TV『be do have なる する える あらゆることに通じること』 - 2019/7/8
Spiritual TV『マインドピクチュアーと意図ある思考 重要テーマ!』 - 2019/4/22
Spiritual TV『意識拡張 5感、6感から57感へ』 - 2019/1/28
Spiritual TV『分析的マインドと反応的マインドの違い』 - 2018/10/29
Spiritual TV『DON'T PANIC!マインドの大掃除。笑顔で波動を上げる』 - 2018/7/30
Spiritual TV『学習の大切さ。学ぶときは生徒になる。』 - 2018/5/28
Spiritual TV『平和であること。その平和とは?』 - 2018/2/26
Spiritual TV『モチベーションをどのように動かしてますか』 - 2017/12/4
Spiritual TV『ライフオリエンテーションws1』 - 2017/9/11
Spiritual TV『全てバイブレーションである。宇宙の中に全てある。』 - 2017/7/17
Spiritual TV レクチャー⑤『全ての進歩を妨げるスーパーバリア Vol.5 固定観念』 - 2017/5/15
Spiritual TV レクチャー④『全ての進歩を妨げるスーパーバリア part 4』 - 2017/3/13
Spiritual TV レクチャー③『全ての進歩を妨げるスーパーバリア Vol.3 大切なメッセージ 』 - 2017/1/16
Spiritual TV レクチャー②『全ての進歩を妨げるスーパーバリア - パート2』 - 2016/11/28
Spiritual TV レクチャー①『全ての進歩を妨げるスーパーバリア - パート1』 - 2016/9/29
Spiritual TV『2017年、そしてその後の準備について☆クリストファー・カレルさん&りえさん』 - 2016/8/11
Spiritual TV「人生を生きるための様々なツール ☆クリストファーカレルさん&りえさん」 - 2016/7/4
Spiritual TV「集まれスピ仲間」-『意識・ハイパースペース・カレルエフェクト』 - 2016/3/14
Spiritual TV「最新カレルエフェクト インタビュー 2016 クリストファーカレルご夫妻」 - 2016/1/18
Spiritual TV「NEWカレルエフェクト クリストファーカレルさん」 - 2015/2/16
Spiritual TV「スペースオペラ」2014/9/16 - 2014/9/16
Viewpoints event - レクチャー - クリストファー・カレル「すべてはバイブレーション」 - 2014/4/13
Discussion event – Spiritual TV録画放送「カレルエフェクト – ディスカッション会」 - 2014/2/09
Spiritual TV「最新カレルエフェクト情報 量子宇宙音楽クリストファーカレル④」 - 2014/1/20
Spiritual TV「クリストファーカレルさん 量子宇宙音楽③」 - 2013/11/15
Spiritual TV「クリストファーカレルさん 量子宇宙音楽」 - 2013/3/27
◆ Spiritual TV
『進化するシンプルツールが意識の拡張!貴方のパワーを最大に♪ 楽器映像も!!』2019/11/26
番組の最後にクリストファー・カレルによるPlenum Void(プレナム・ヴォイド)の"Cosmic Cafe"のCDから"Cosmic Cafe”の曲を流していただきました。宇宙の要素が漂うリズムとグルーブのあるエレクトロニック・ミュージックをお楽しみください。
"Consciousness expansion with advancing simple tools! Let’s maximize your power♪" - Nov. 26, 2019
The show started with topics on music and musical instruments. The show ended up being almost three hours!
Christopher also talked about the importance of mastering tools in order to express one's creative ideas accurately. This is an important message since it not only applies to music but also to all aspects of life. In order to accomplish or create something, one must be able to know that the tools one seeks are based on truth, and one must learn and apply such tools.
There were other topics on universe being digital or analog, frequencies/waveform and distortion, idea of ascension, how to remove anxiety and many others, which might be inspirational or give insights to the viewers. Ended up being a long show!
The music played at the end of the show is “Cosmic Cafe“ from "Cosmic Cafe" CD by Plenum Void (Christopher Currell). Please enjoy the electronic music with rhythm and groove with cosmic elements flowing through the songs.
◆ Spiritual TV
『ナイスチームワークで宇宙カフェへ行きましょう - クリストファー・カレルさん&りえさん♪』2019/9/30
番組の最後にクリストファー・カレルによるishwishの"Meditations"のCDから"Meditation 2”の曲を流していただきました。このCDは宇宙の瞑想音楽です。
"Let's Go To Cosmic Cafe with Good Team Work - Christopher & Lie Currell♪" - Sep. 30, 2019
Christopher and Lie made their appearances from Switzerland. Christopher answered to various questions from the viewers; such as "how to live centering on oneself as an axis", "what is our moon?", "changes that are coming", in a very easy to understand way. And Lie normally appears as an interpreter but she also shared her viewpoints. I'm sure many people find this program very interesting.
The music played at the end of the show is “Meditation 2“ from "Meditations" CD by ishwish (Christopher Currell). This CD has meditation music from the universe.
◆ Spiritual TV
『be do have なる する える あらゆることに通じること - クリストファー・カレルさん&りえさん』2019/7/8
今回は視聴者の方々からの質問にお答えする形式の番組でした。音楽およびクリストファーの最新の音楽プロジェクト、カレルエフェクト、Be Do Have、ゴール達成、幸せとは、本当の学習など、さまざまな話が持ち上がり、楽しいひと時を過ごしました。人々がよりよい人生を歩むヘルプになれば嬉しく思います。是非ご視聴ください。
番組の最後にクリストファー・カレルによるishwishの"Meditations"のCDから"Meditation 2”の曲を流していただきました。このCDは宇宙の瞑想音楽です。
"Be Do Have - Concerns Everything - Christopher & Lie Currell" - Jul. 8, 2019
This show followed a Q&A format. Christopher talked about various topics; such as, music and his newest music project, the Currell Effect, "Be, Do, Have", goal accomplishment, happiness, what true study actually is, etc. It will be wonderful if the information provided by Christopher can help people lead better lives.
The music played at the end of the show is “Meditation 2“ from "Meditations" CD by ishwish (Christopher Currell). This CD has meditation music from the universe.
◆ Spiritual TV
『マインドピクチュアーと意図ある思考 重要テーマ!クリストファー・カレルさん&りえさん』2019/4/22
番組の最後にクリストファー・カレルによるishwishの"Meditations"のCDから"Meditation 1”の曲を流していただきました。このCDは宇宙の瞑想音楽です。音質が悪く少し歪んでいます。
"Mental Pictures and Intentional Thought. Christopher & Lie Currell" - Apr. 22, 2019
Christopher talks about how mind was created and its basic function. It is a very fundamental and interesting topic about the existence of mind, which cannot be found elsewhere. He also says that if one needs to elevate oneself, he/she needs to first handle the mind. I am sure many viewers will find this talk very informative and useful.
The music played at the end of the show is “Meditation 1“ from "Meditations" CD by ishwish (Christopher Currell). This CD has meditation music from the universe. Please note that the sound is a bit distorted.
◆ Spiritual TV
『意識拡張 5感、6感から57感へ - クリストファー・カレルさん&りえさん』2019/1/28
番組の最後にクリストファー・カレルによるishwishの"Meditations"のCDから"Meditation 1”の曲を流していただきました。このCDは宇宙の瞑想音楽です。
"Consciousness Expansion, 5 Senses 6 Senses to 57 Senses. Christopher & Lie Currell" - Jan. 28, 2019
Christopher talks about the reason why people need to “expand consciousness and raise awareness”, errors that interfere with the expansion, and the relationship between the “awareness and perceptions” in a very comprehensive way based on actual daily life experiences. I am sure many viewers will find this talk very informative and useful.
The music played at the end of the show is “Meditation 1“ from "Meditations" CD by ishwish (Christopher Currell). This CD has meditation music from the universe.
◆ Spiritual TV
『分析的マインドと反応的マインドの違い - クリストファー・カレルさん&りえさん』2018/10/29
番組の最後にクリストファー・カレルによるishwishの"Meditations"のCDから"Meditation 2”の曲を流していただきました。このCDは宇宙の瞑想音楽です。
"Difference between Analytical Mind and Reactive Mind. Christopher & Lie Currell" - Oct. 29, 2018
Christopher explains very clearly in a comprehensive way about the fundamental reason why people encounter difficulties and the world continues to be in conflict and chaos, even though people wish for peaceful and good life.
The music played at the end of the show is “Meditation 2“ from "Meditations" CD by ishwish (Christopher Currell). This CD has meditation music from the universe.
◆ Spiritual TV
『DON'T PANIC!マインドの大掃除。笑顔で波動を上げる - クリストファー・カレルさん&りえさん』2018/7/30
番組の最後にクリストファー・カレルによるishwishの"Meditations"のCDから"Meditation 3”の曲を流していただきました。このCDは宇宙の瞑想音楽です。
"DON’T PANIC! Clean your mind. Raise your vibration with smile. Christopher & Lie Currell" - July 30, 2018
Christopher talks about very interesting topics including what is important during this time of changes and explanation of the Currell Effect, Harmonic Resonance of the Quantum Potential.
The music played at the end of the show is “Meditation 3“ from "Meditations" CD by ishwish (Christopher Currell). This CD has meditation music from the universe.
◆ Spiritual TV
番組の最後にクリストファー・カレルによるishwishの"Meditations"のCDから"Meditation 1"の曲を流していただきました。このCDは宇宙の瞑想音楽です。
"Importance of Study and How to be a Student - Christopher & Lie Currell" - May 28, 2018
We made an appearance from Switzerland. The topic is about study, but it is not about the study we normally think of. Christopher talks about a very high level study, which brings joy to the spirit, and the purpose of study. He provides very interesting information and I am sure the viewers will find this content very useful.
The music played at the end of the show is “Meditation 1“ from "Meditations" CD by ishwish (Christopher Currell). This CD has meditation music from the universe.
◆ Spiritual TV
『平和であること。その平和とは? - クリストファー・カレルさん&りえさん』2018/2/26
番組の最後にクリストファー・カレルのベストセラーである"Garden of Zoe“の曲を流していただきました。これはバイブレーションを浄化し調和(ハーモニー)するためのBGM音楽です。今回の「平和」のトピックにぴったりです。
"To be at peace. What is peace? - Christopher & Lie Currell" - Feb. 26, 2018
Christopher once again talked about various topics, but his talk about the definition on “peace” and the explanation about “peace and harmony” is especially easy to understand.
We encountered several technical challenges but Kanon-san, the host of the show, quickly, creatively and flexibly handled the situation by capturing the Skype screen on her PC with a video camera and broadcasted the show! The brightness and the focus are slightly off in parts of the video.
There are some noise that sounds like a marching band drumming in the beginning, but the audio suddenly clears up from around 27 min. Christopher is talking about very interesting topics so we decided to keep the whole video.
We would like to express much gratitude to all the efforts she has made!
The music played at the end of the show is “Garden of Zoe“ by Christopher Currell. It is one our our best selling CDs. It is designed to play as a BGM in order to purity and harmonize the vibration. Perfect for the show’s topic, peace!
◆ Spiritual TV
『モチベーションをどのように動かしてますか - クリストファー・カレルさん&りえさん』2017/12/4
"How are you going to use your motivation? - Christopher & Lie Currell" - Dec. 4, 2017
Christopher talked about the current situation on earth and our activities for 2018.
Now is the time to work on expanding your consciousness and elevate your awareness. No more procrastination. The key is to do something that excites you, because at the core of your excitement is your spirituality. He also talks about how important your motivation is.
According to Kanon-san, the talk host, the content was very rich but we once again had fun appearing on the show.
The music played at the end of the show is “Flight“ from “Remember” CD by ishwish (Christopher Currell).
Christopher's Message
"2018, Time For Personal Change"
◆ Spiritual TV
『ライフオリエンテーションws1 クリストファー・カレルさん&りえさん』2017/9/11
前回は視聴者さんからの質問にお答えする形式で、大変好評だったため今回も引き続きフリートークです。 素晴らしい質問をいろいろといただき、クリストファーから一般的な考えとは違った視点の大変興味深い話や、今の世界状況にピッタリなパワフルなメッセージもあり、とても濃い中身です。
番組の最後にishwish(クリストファー・カレル)の"Remember”の中から”Massassi - Morning Star“の曲を流していただいています。
"Life Orientation WS1 - Christopher & Lie Currell" - Sep 11, 2017
Since the Q&A was very popular last time, we decided to have another Q&A. Christopher provided very interesting responses from different viewpoints to the questions he received from the viewers. He also gave a very important and powerful message, which is very appropriate to what is going on currently in the world. Very rich and full content.
The music played at the end of the show is “The Gates of Dawn“ from "The Gates of Dawn" CD by ishwish (Christopher Currell).
◆ Spiritual TV
『全てバイブレーションである。宇宙の中に全てある。 - クリストファー・カレル&りえさん』2017/7/17
番組の最後にishwish(クリストファー・カレル)の"Remember”の中から”Massassi - Morning Star“の曲を流していただいています。
"Everything is vibration. Everything is in the universe. - Christopher & Lie Currell" - July 17, 2017
Since we have been doing 5 lectures on Super Barriers, we decided to to take questions. Very free and open format. Once again, Christopher provides very useful information and messages.
"Massassi - Morning Star" from "Remember" CD by ishwish (Christopher Currell) is played at the end of the show.
◆ Spiritual TV レクチャー⑤
『スーパーバリア Vol.5 固定観念 - クリストファー・カレル&りえさん』2017/5/15
Lecture: "Super Barriers - Part 5: Fixed Ideas - Christopher & Lie Currell" - May 15, 2017
Christopher will talk about how Super Barriers stop spiritual as well as any advancements in life. This information should be very helpful for anyone who wants to improved themselves as well as their lives. This is the last of the Super Barriers lecture series. Topic is "Fixed Ideas." This lecture is a very interesting and Christopher once again provides very useful information.
"Flight" from "Remember" CD by ishwish (Christopher Currell) is played at the end of the show.
◆ Spiritual TV レクチャー④
『スーパーバリア part 4 クリストファー・カレルさん、りえさん 』2017/3/13
番組の最後にishwish(クリストファー・カレル)の"The Gates of Dawn"の中から”Corridors“の曲を流していただいています。
Lecture: "Super Barriers - Part 4 - Christopher & Lie Currell" - Mar. 13, 2017
Christopher will talk about how Super Barriers stop spiritual as well as any advancements in life. This information should be very helpful for anyone who wants to improved themselves as well as their lives. Part 4 is about "Upsets." Christopher explains why this is a super barrier with easy to understand examples. Once again a very useful information.
"Corridors" from "The Gates of Dawn" CD by ishwish (Christopher Currell) is played at the end of the show. The music went very well with special message from Christopher.
◆ Spiritual TV レクチャー③
『クリストファー・カレルさん&リエさん、スーパーバリアVol.3 大切なメッセージ 』2017/1/16
またレクチャーの後にクリストファーが発表したメッセージ『マジックウィンドウ - 2017年2月27日』に関するかなり面白い情報を提供しています。
Lecture: "Super Barriers - Part 3 - Christopher & Lie Currell, Important Message" - Jan. 16, 2017
Christopher will talk about how Super Barriers stop spiritual as well as any advancements in life. This information should be very helpful for anyone who wants to improved themselves as well as their lives. Part 3 is about "Dishonesty and Withholds." Christopher explains why this is a super barrier with easy to understand examples. I am sure this Super Barrier is quite an interesting topic for many people.
After the lecture, Christopher talked about his recent message “Magic Window - February 27, 2017.” He shared very interesting information.
"Flight" from "Remember" CD by ishwish (Christopher Currell) is played at the end of the show. The music went very well with special message from Christopher.
◆ Spiritual TV レクチャー ②
『全ての進歩を妨げるスーパーバリア - パート2 - クリストファー・カレルさん&りえさん』2016/11/28
番組の最後にishwish(クリストファー・カレル)の"The Gates of Dawn"の中から”Universal Celebration“の曲を流していただいています。
Lecture: "Super Barriers That Stop Any Advancements - Part 2 - Christopher & Lie Currell" - Nov. 28, 2016
Christopher will talk about how Super Barriers stop spiritual as well as any advancements in life. This information should be very helpful for anyone who wants to improved themselves as well as their lives. Part 2 is about "Problems." Christopher explains why “Problems” is a super barrier with easy to understand examples.
"Universal Celebration" from "The Gates of Dawn" CD by ishwish (Christopher Currell) is played at the end of the show.
◆ Spiritual TV レクチャー ①
『全ての進歩を妨げるスーパーバリア - パート1 クリストファー・カレルさん&りえさん』2016/9/29
番組の最後にクリスの音楽、ishwishの"The Gates of Dawn"のCDの"Steps to Eternity"の曲を流していただいています。
Lecture: "Super Barriers That Stop Any Advancements - Part 1 - Christopher & Lie Currell" - Sep. 29, 2016
Christopher will talk about how Super Barriers stop spiritual as well as any advancements in life. This information should be very helpful for anyone who wants to improved themselves as well as their lives. Part 1 is about "Communication Problems."
"Steps to Eternity" from "The Gates of Dawn" CD by ishwish (Christopher Currell) is played to end the show.
◆ Spiritual TV
『2017年、そしてその後の準備について ☆クリストファー・カレルさん&りえさん』2016/8/11
"Preparing for 2017 and Beyond - Christopher & Lie Currell" - Aug. 11, 2016
Christopher talks about how individuals can prepare themselves spiritually for times ahead. He provides useful information, which one can apply immediately in order to live more spiritually aligned life. He also explains about how important and useful our new sound session CE-RELAX is for the current stressful society.
◆ Spiritual TV
「人生を生きるための様々なツール ☆クリストファーカレルさん&りえさん」2016/7/4
"Tools for Life - Christopher & Lie Currell" - July 4, 2016
Christopher provided great hints, which could help people’s lives in this current time of changes, as well as our coming projects. There are also a nice message about Spiritual TV's Teddy-san at the end of the show.
◆ Spiritual TV
「集まれスピ仲間 クリストファーカレルさん」2016/3/14
"Atsumare Supi-nakama - Christopher Currell" - Mar. 14, 2016
Christopher talks about the “Consciousness, Hyperspace, and the Currell Effect” (45 min.)
◆ Spiritual TV
「最新カレルエフェクト インタビュー 2016 クリストファーカレルご夫妻」2016/1/18
"Latest News on Currell Effect - Interview 2016 - Christopher & Lie Currell" - Jan. 18, 2016
One hour interview on Spiritual TV.
Christopher talks about the recent activities: Currell Effect, CE Practitioner Program, etc.
◆ Spiritual TV
「NEWカレルエフェクト クリストファーカレルさん」2015/2/16
"New Currell Effect by Christopher Currell" - Feb. 16, 2015
Two hour interview on Spiritual TV.
Christopher talks about the new and exciting projects for 2015.
NEWS:「トランスフォーメーション・ツールズ - 2015年のプロジェクト」
Information about the new projects for 2015
NEWS: Transformation Tools - Projects for 2015
◆Spiritual TV
"Space Opera" - Sep. 16, 2014
A variety of very interesting topics about the universe was covered in this two hour interview on Spiritual TV.
◆ レクチャー - VIEWPOINTS - クリストファー・カレル
Lecture at Viewpoints
"Everything is Vibration" - Apr. 13, 2014
Christopher gives a lecture about the universe, truth, spirituality at a special event "Viewpoints"
◆ Discussion Group – Spiritual TV録画放送
「カレルエフェクト – ディスカッション会」2014/2/09
"Currell Effect Discussion Group" - Feb. 9, 2015
Live broadcast of the CE Discussion Group on Spiritual TV.
◆ Spiritual TV
「最新カレルエフェクト情報 量子宇宙音楽クリストファーカレル④」2014/1/20
"Lastest CE Information, Quantum Cosmic Music, Christopher Currell - No. 4" - Jan. 20, 2014
◆ Spiritual TV
「クリストファーカレルさん 量子宇宙音楽③」2013/11/15
"Quantum Cosmic Music - No. 3" - Nov. 15, 2013
◆ Spiritual TV
「クリストファーカレルさんインタビュー 歌う水曜日」2013/9/25
Spiritual TV
"Short Interview with Christopher Currell" - Sep. 25, 2013
◆ Spiritual TV
「クリストファーカレルさん 量子宇宙音楽」2013/3/27
"Christopher Currell, Quantum Cosmic Music" - March. 27 2013