Interviews and Lectures on YouTube

プロフィール   メッセージ    MJストーリー   Headphone Guru
カレルエフェクト  CE-RELAX   iExpansion   ミュージック

YouTube Videos - 動画インタビュー

Spiritual TV 『注目から拡張へ 人生の説明書 マイケル・ジャクソンとバブルスのスタジオ秘話』 - 2025/2/12
Spiritual TV 『スピリチュアルな学びを生活に反映させる・安心なボディ パーキング外在化』 - 2024/11/14
Spiritual TV 『生存の為の8つのサークル○反応するマインドとは?』 - 2024/9/5
Spiritual TV 『Christopher Currell サウンドの世界 音が作り出す事とは』 - 2024/7/4
Spiritual TV 『自己拡張で目的が見えるようになる。人生のオリエンテーション』 - 2024/5/3
Spiritual TV 『自分で決断する WELCOME TO PLANET EARTH』 - 2024/2/27
Spiritual TV 『全てはバイブレーション ハイエナジープレゼント 沖縄トークショーより』 - 2023/12/26
Spiritual TV 『スペースオペラ オリオンの風 支配コントロールはどこに?』 - 2023/10/19
Spiritual TV 『きっと大昔に体験してる「オリオンの風」沖縄に ⚫︎Newスピ人と人物?』 - 2023/8/1
Spiritual TV 『11月25日 沖縄ライブ決定!音による効果 マインド、ボディ、スピリットなど』 - 2023/6/6
Spiritual TV 『スピリット、人物とは?コントロールより行動』 - 2023/2/14
Spiritual TV 『人生は即興。マイケル・ジャクソン、フラットアース、アヌンナキ、古代シュメール etc』 - 2022/11/14
Spiritual TV 『真実はピンと響く、スピリットは知っている。UFO、ET話など』 - 2022/8/18
Spiritual TV 『エモーショナルバイブレーション、感情はどのレベルか?』 - 2022/5/18
Spiritual TV アルバム完成発売SP記念『Empyrean Chronicles』 - 2022/2/4
Spiritual TV『自由意志と幻想、アルバム紹介』 - 2021/12/14
Spiritual TV『自分は誰か?スピリットは動きに興味がある。量子ポテンシャルのハーモニック共鳴』 - 2021/9/28
Spiritual TV『ついにUFO情報開示!大事なことは真実を知ること、ビガピクチャで観る』 - 2021/6/24
Spiritual TV『人生は綱渡りだ!マインドの正しい使い方、受け入れと分析、主導権はどこに?』 - 2021/3/16
Spiritual TV『宇宙と同意、どの意図をもって行動してるか観察する』 - 2020/12/14
Spiritual TV『真実は人を自由にする。貴方は繁栄して輝くことを選択するだけです。』 - 2020/10/20
Spiritual TV『推測でなく、本当の見えるものに注目』 - 2020/7/29
Spiritual TV『この時だからの大変化 考え方を変える 雑念のとり方をシンプルに解説』 - 2020/5/26
Spiritual TV スペシャル番組『地球へ来た理由 任務とは』 - 2020/3/24
Spiritual TV『ハイパワー2020年はアクション!必要なことに注目。真実を知る』 - 2020/2/25

◆ Spiritual TV
NEW!!『注目から拡張へ 人生の説明書 マイケル・ジャクソンとバブルスのスタジオ秘話』- 2025/2/12






“From Attention to Expansion: User’s Manual for Life – Behind-the-Scenes Episodes with Michael Jackson and Bubbles in the Studio” - Feb. 12, 2025

This is another fun program packed with valuable information covering a wide range of topics!

"LOW1: Life Orientation Workshop" is also called “Quick Start Guide” for life. Christopher explanations about the very useful Attention Processes provided in the workshop and the relationship between attention and awareness. A must watch!

Additionally, the program delves into various fascinating subjects, including “Vibrational Tuning,” where for the first time Christopher explains about how he improvises music/sound while adjusting vibration of the listeners; useful tools for the Currell Effect, such as Communication (confront) and Attention Processes; the concept of Spiritless Humans from much bigger picture; our intention as Transformation Tools; important information about waveforms, frequencies, resonance, and harmony, which are essential knowledge especially for healers.

In the second half of the show, you will hear exclusive behind-the-scenes episodes about Christopher’s working scenes at Michael Jackson's home studio. It is packed with stories you cannot hear anywhere else. Don't miss it!

The show ends with a teaser video of “Vibrational Rubicon” from Plenum Void "Empyrean Chronicles" CD♪

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◆ Spiritual TV
『スピリチュアルな学びを生活に反映させる・安心なボディ パーキング外在化』- 2024/11/14





“Reflect spiritual leaning in daily life. Safe way to park your body and exteriorization” - Nov. 14, 2024

This episode is packed with a variety of topics, making it a show filled with lots of information. It ended with a very positive vibrations and lots of laughter. :D

Starting with the topic of “Super Barriers," the discussion covers the importance of communication, an explanation of Life Orientation Workshop 1 and 2 (LOW1 and LOW2), the necessity of non-verbal communication (telepathy), Spiritless Humans, and Life Orientation Workshop 3 (LOW3), which explores Earth from a broader perspective. The whole conversation revolves around activities that help awaken people.

Other topics include the idea that the year 2035 marks a crossroads between light and darkness, the difference between intelligence and awareness, the importance of overcoming the major barrier of the mind for humanity, exteriorization where the body is parked and the spirit becomes free, self-checks on one’s condition, Christopher’s self-introduction from the big picture point of view, the process of moving from "not know” to "know" as part of the game, mind control, and more.

The show ends with a teaser video of “Vibrational Rubicon” from Plenum Void "Empyrean Chronicles" CD♪

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◆ Spiritual TV
『生存の為の8つのサークル○反応するマインドとは?』- 2024/9/5




“Eight circles for survival. What is reactive mind?” - Sep. 5, 2024

Christopher talks about very interesting topics starting from effective use of the AI, using “survival” as a baseline ethics for an advanced AI programming, problems with programmer’s mind, conditions of a spirit taking over a body or a machine, characteristics of a spirit, and communication.

Various topics flow nicely one after another regarding mind, artists and communication, spiritless human, advance level workshops, the Japanese lyrics for the “Empyrean Chronicles” CD, etc.

The ending music played at the show is “Body Is A Lie” from Plenum Void "Empyrean Chronicles" CD♪

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◆ Spiritual TV
『Christopher Currell サウンドの世界 音が作り出す事とは』- 2024/7/4


また気づきを妨げる壁であるマインドのレクチャー、コミュニケーションスキルを習得する「コミュニケーションワークショップ」、「TTセンターオープンハウス」、「ライフオリエンテーション ワークショップ」などなど、興味深い内容が盛りだくさんの楽しい番組です。



“Christopher Currell’s world of sound. What does sound create?” - July 4, 2024

The show started with an explanation of what the Currell Effect is and moved on to talks about Christopher’s various CDs and about the music production, and music related episodes including Michael Jackson World Tour.

The whole talk blended with spiritual viewpoints and consciousness expansion related topics. This is a must watch not only for the music fans but also for spiritual people.

The ending music played at the show is a teaser video of “Vibrational Rubicon” from Plenum Void "Empyrean Chronicles" CD♪

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◆ Spiritual TV
『自己拡張で目的が見えるようになる。人生のオリエンテーション』- 2024/5/3


iExpansionシリーズ第1回目は『ライフ オリエンテーション ワークショップ1(LOW1)』です。



アドバンスレベルの1 dayスペシャルワークショップのトピックは、マインド、カレルエフェクトの仕組み、スピリットがない人(ジンブツ)、アドバンスレベルの宇宙の哲学(創造の意図に基づく存在の状況)、知覚とその影響です。






“iExpansion allows people to see their goals. Life Orientation.” - May 3, 2024
The show started with an announcement of the opening of our new facility “TT Center” in Tokyo, and an introduction of various topics for the iExpansion workshops and lectures.

The first of the iExpansion series will be the “Life Orientation Workshop 1 (LOW1)”.

The LOW1 provides all the fundamental information sprit needs on earth and in this universe. It is an essential Quick Start Guide for life. This is required for the other LOW series.

After LOW1, there will be LOW2 (history of this galaxy), a totally new LOW3 (about what is going on now on this planet and in this solar system), and the Communication workshop plus non-verbal communication/telepathy workshop.

There are advanced level 1 day special workshops and lectures on topics such as mind, mechanics of the Currell EFFect, spiritless human, advance philosophy of universe (4 conditions of existence and person’s creative intention), human perceptions (how we perceive and its ramification), etc.

And there are 19 different one day and half a day workshops/lectures covering various topics that are useful for our daily lives, work, relationships, and much more.

Furthermore, Christopher will be doing mini concerts and group CE sound sessions. We will also start Christopher’s private sessions!

We also going to provide again our very popular CE discussion groups where the CE participants can exchange experiences. There are plans for the online events, DVDs of workshops, CD production and Lie’s private lessons. etc. etc.

All the projects we wanted to do in the past is now possible because of our new TT Center. Please stay tuned for our future announcements!

The ending music played at the show is a teaser video of “Vibrational Rubicon” from Plenum Void "Empyrean Chronicles" CD♪

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◆ Spiritual TV
『自分で決断する WELCOME TO PLANET EARTH』- 2024/2/27








“Make your own choices. Welcome to Planet Earth” - Feb. 27, 2024
It was a very long show and the content was very deep and spiritual♪

In the first 15 minutes, we talked about our future actives, and the rest was about the “Currell Effect” sound session explained in details for the first time. Christopher also talked about other very interesting and variety of topics related to the CE.

Highlights: the purpose of CE, making one’s own choices (not guided) and have spiritual and cosmic experiences, how different from sound healing, early development stage of CE, stress and CE-RELAX, 3D sound and high technology, explanation about the CE session and its flow, expanding consciousness and awareness, non-verbal communication (telepathy). Also advanced VR (AI. nano-technology and interface), controlling dreams, collective agreement and reality, etc.

From about 2 hours to the end, Christopher talked more about his very powerful 2024 New Year Message; energy shift in 2024, pursuing one’s spiritual path, a battle about the bright future and the dark future, raising one’s consciousness and awareness, importance of making one’s own choices, trusting oneself, do what is right, etc.

This show is filled with useful hits in order to survive in this current chaotic time. We hope many people will watch the program.

The ending music played at the show is a teaser video of “Vibrational Rubicon” from Plenum Void "Empyrean Chronicles" CD♪

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◆ Spiritual TV
『全てはバイブレーション ハイエナジープレゼント 沖縄トークショーより』 2023/12/26



プレナム・ヴォイド沖縄コンサート2023 アンコール『Cosmic Toast~宇宙に乾杯』






"Everything is Vibration, A Gift of High Energy, Video from Okinawa Talk Event” - Dec. 26, 2023
On Nov. 26, we held a Spiritual TV style talk event in Okinawa. Since the content of the talk was very interesting, we got permissions from the audience to share the event on YouTube. It will be divided in two parts; an interview and Q&A.

In the beginning of the show, we shared our comments on the show and introduced a short clip of the concert taken from an iPhone from the side of the stage.

Plenum Void Okinawa Live 2023 encore “Cosmic Toast”

In the first half of the talk event, Christopher and Kanon (MC and vocalist) shared performers points of view including several funny episodes. They also talked about how this project started, how Kanon became the member, stories about the songs, and the meaning and the intention of Plenum Void. Furthermore, Christopher explained about what “Everything Is Vibration” means, how energy is exchanged on stage, CG movie on stage synced with audio, Christopher’s instrument, and episodes from Micheal Jackson stage performances.

Kanon asked what Christopher thinks about current earth. He talks about his purpose on earth; importance of intention + action in order to manifest in the physical universe; difference between a postulate, a thought and thinking; how to make decisions using perceptions; relationship between perceptions, mind and memory; reactive mind and restimulation; how to get out from restimulation; and restimulation and emotions. Very useful information.

After the talk event section of the video, Kanon returns to the show and talks passionately, but unfortunately her microphone is muted for about 5 min.

The part 2 of the talk event is a Q&A section, which will be our next show.

The ending music played at the show is “Vibrational Rubicon” from Plenum Void "Empyrean Chronicles" CD♪

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◆ Spiritual TV
『スペースオペラ オリオンの風 支配コントロールはどこに?』 2023/10/19



最後の30分は、11月25日に沖縄で開催するコンサートの話です。クリストファーの宇宙での実体験がベースとなる曲、さらにはライブ初公開の曲『Winds Of Orion~オリオンの風』は今の世の中を反映するとてもタイムリーな内容です。ハイパワーミュージックと宇宙での実際の出来事を伝える歌詞やストーリーは、教育的な要素あり、ユーモアありのかっこいいステージショーになるでしょう♪


"Space Opera, Winds Of Orion. Where is the dominating control?” - Oct. 19, 2023
First time appearance in the evening. As always, fun and joy overflows from the screen!

Christopher starts with the current world situation, which is in confusion caused by information overload. He talks about the importance of getting out of mind by taking action. Furthermore, he explains about confusion, which is caused by restimulated emotions, importance of the ability to check oneself in order to understand the situation one is in, and the root cause of the problem is always “a person.” Once again, very useful and interesting information.

The last 30 minutes was about the upcoming Okinawa concert on Nov. 25. The songs in the concert is all based on Christopher’s actual experiences in the universe. Also “Winds Of Orion” will be showcased in the concert for the first time! It is a very timely content since it reflects the current world affairs. The high power music with stories of the actual incidents in the universe has educational element as well as humor. It will be a very cool stage show!

The ending music is "Someone” from Plenum Void "Empyrean Chronicles" CD, which is played on the program for the first time.

【Plenum Void in Concert】
Winds of Orion - Space Opera
オリオンの風 - スペースオペラ
2023年11月25日 (土) 18:00開場・19:00開演
紙チケット:090-7702-7948 (譜久村)・

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◆ Spiritual TV
『きっと大昔に体験してる「オリオンの風」沖縄に ⚫︎Newスピ人と人物?』2023/8/1


【Plenum Void in Concert】
Winds of Orion - Space Opera
オリオンの風 - スペースオペラ
2023年11月25日 (土) 18:00開場・19:00開演

FMぎのわん【Let's深呼吸】- 7/18放送
FM21プロジェクトi - 7/20放送


"'Wind Of Orion' coming to Okinawa, Spijin and Jinbutsu” - Aug. 1, 2023
The show was mainly about music, covering topics such as the report on the promotional trip for Okinawa concert, power of music and its effects, Christopher’s approach to music. He also talked about how the Currell Effect started, broken mind, power of choice, matrix, etc.

【Plenum Void in Concert】
Winds of Orion - A Space Opera
Nov. 25 (Sat.), 2023
Doors open at 6:00pm・Show starts at 7:00pm
Advance ticket: ¥5,000・Ticket at the door ¥5,500
E-Ticket (Japanese):
Concert Info (JP):

Links for the radio appearances mentioned in the show.
FM Ginowan “Let's Shinkokyu” - 7/18
FM21 “Project i” - 7/20

TThe ending music is “Vibrational Rubicon” long version from Plenum Void "Empyrean Chronicles" CD with the image of the concert flyer.

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◆ Spiritual TV
『11月25日 沖縄ライブ決定!音による効果 マインド、ボディ、スピリットなど』2023/6/6

ビックアナウンスメント!! 🎶

2023年11月25日(土)に沖縄の有名なライブハウスモッズで『プレナム・ヴォイド - クリストファー・カレル&冨田佳音』を開催します!わくわく♪


後半は『Garden of Zoe』の曲が生まれた背景やGardenシリーズ、音楽のパワーが満載の『Empyrian Chronicles ~ エンプリアン・クロニクルズ』、ishwishシリーズ、『Heart Sutra』のメイキングなどなど、クリストファーのあらゆるCDに関する秘話を語っています。

『Everything is vibration.
And remember to have fun!


“Okinawa Live Concert on Nov. 25th! The Effects of Sound on Mind, Body, Spirit, etc.” - Jun. 6, 2023
Big announcement!!
The date for the long awaited concert was announced on the show!

The “Plenum Void - Christopher Currell & Kanon Tomita” concert will be held on Nov. 25 (Sat.) at a very famous live house in Okinawa. We are very excited!

This show was all about music.
Of course, Christopher talked about the spirt being the source of music, the music is the tool that changes and shifts vibration directly, interaction of vibration between the musicians and the audiences, and even the definition of the group. Christopher talked about how the “Garden of Zoe” was created, which lead to the Graden series, and the creation process and stories of other CDs, such as “Empyrean Chronicles” that is filled with powerful music, ishwish series, making of “Heart Sutra”.

Lastly, there was a message from Christopher.
“Everything is vibration.
And remember to have fun!”

The ending music played at the show is “Vibrational Rubicon” long version from Plenum Void "Empyrean Chronicles" CD♪

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番組のエンディングはプレナム・ヴォイドのCD『エンピリアン・クロニクルズ』の中から「The Body Is A Lie ~ 身体は偽り」を紹介していただきました♪

“What is Spirit? Jinbutsu? Action rather than being controlled” - Feb. 14, 2023
Our first appearance on the Spiritual TV for 2023 was on the Valentines Day. February is also the first anniversary for the Plenum Void “Empyrean Chronicles” CD! ♪

The content of this show is very interesting and deep. I am sure there are some eye-opening information you have never heard before.

Plenum Void means “the 'nothingness' which holds the potential of all things.” Everything in reality is created from the void by the intention of spirit.

In this show, Christopher starts by explaining the mechanism of “creation from nothingness”; we, the spirits exist in the void; we express ourselves in reality just like avatars and play games.

Christopher did research on advanced level Virtual Reality 30 years ago. Through this research, he compared VR with reality: people participating in a VR/simulation/game…its people and its environment, which are AI programmed, in the simulation to create a realistic atmosphere vs people and environment in the real world. What he realized is quite surprising yet made perfect sense.

He also talks about the spirit who wants to be free, create and have fun (motion) and the Matrix/Jinbutsu that wants to stop motion and control. He stresses the importance of advancing one’s awareness and know who one is.

A viewer asked about what Christopher knows about the moon, so he shares some interesting and deep information. He also talks about the Betelgeuse and its future explosion as a supernova, and his current interest in black holes, expansion of the universe and its ending and beginning.

At the last 10 minutes of the show, Christopher provides very important information regarding “spirit” and “Jinbutsu” so please watch to the end.

The ending music played at the show is “The Body Is A Lie” from Plenum Void "Empyrean Chronicles" CD♪

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◆ Spiritual TV
『人生は即興。マイケル・ジャクソン、フラットアース、アヌンナキ、古代シュメール etc』2022/11/14








“Life is improvisation! Michael Jackson, Flat Earth, Anunnaki, Ancient Sumer, etc.” - Nov. 14, 2022
The show ended up being 2.5 hours long and it is filled with very interesting topics.

It started with a talk about dreams, lucid dreams and a parallel world. And Christopher compared them with the Currell Effect experiences. He also explained what "Life Is Basically Simple" means.

He then talked about music; ear training; resonance and harmony; his passion and persistence toward playing the guitar; fundamentals of improvisation; advanced level of music as spiritual communication; exchange of energy and vibration between players and audience with references to Michael Jackson, jazz and rock; etc. etc. This topic of music is very interesting and provides lots of useful hints for life.

Latter part of the show was answering questions from the audience and the MC about pyramids in Egypt, flat earth, alien contact, etc. As always, Christopher’s answers were such a large cosmic scale that they were beyond peoples expectations. The answers expanded into the ancient civilization of Sumer, Anunnaki, big bang theory, beginning of the universe, problems of technologies from advanced civilizations from other planets and humans that use them.

As always, we need to advance and elevate our consciousness and awareness in order to escape from this reality. He further explained that he developed the Currell Effect audio session to take people to the whole another level.

The scale of the conversation was very large and Christopher talked about big big big big big… picture. Also there were lots of laughter. Please enjoy the show!

The music video played at the end of the show is “Vibrational Rubicon” from the new Plenum Void CD "Empyrean Chronicles"♪

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“Truth indicates. Spirit knows. About UFO and ET, etc.” - Aug. 18, 2022
The topic of this show is about UFOs and the universe!
Christopher covers wide range of topics starting from the earth, and then about the environment of other planets, how UFO flies, spacetime and gravity, aliens visiting the earth, communication with aliens and higher beings, human senses and mind’s interpretation of the reality, Pleiadian technology, UFO and the culture of Pleiades, and the waveforms the spirit likes and dislikes.

Christopher also responds to interesting questions from the viewers.
He talks about the implanters, Christopher’s communication with aliens, telepathy, and he then explains the concept of duality in a scientific manner using waveform.

Christopher’s latest CD “Empyrean Chronicles” tells stories of this galaxy, which is designed to help people recall memories of this universe. And the Currell Effect allows the participants to experience the universe on their own.

At the very end, he gives a wonderful message about the real expansion of our consciousness and awareness to the universe. Please watch to the end of the show!

The music played at the end of the show is “Vibrational Rubicon” from the new Plenum Void CD "Empyrean Chronicles"♪

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◆ Spiritual TV

今回のトピックは 「感情」です!日々親しみのある感情の真相をわかりやすく解説しています。

emotion (感情) = energy in motion (動いているエネルギー) = vibration (バイブレーション・振動)






“Emotional Vibration: What is your emotional level?” - May 18, 2022
The topic of the show is “emotion.” Christopher gives comprehensive explanation about emotion, which is very familiar to us all the time.

Emotion is…
emotion = energy in motion = vibration

Christopher’s talk is very insightful and he covers wide range of topics including frequencies of emotions, different type of emotions and their relationships to our survival, spirit and body, energy/intention/effort, vibration, awareness and consciousness, and social and chronic emotional levels.

Music resonates its vibration directly to listeners. And from that perspective, Christopher talks about the new Plenum Void CD “Empyrean Chronicles” and listeners feedback.

The Currell Effect is a sound session, which allows participants to experience the true power of sound.
Christopher explains about the new upgraded session, CE-EXCALIBUR. He also talks about episodes of sessions from his perspective.

This is another very high power and high energy fun show. Please take a look!

The music played at the end of the show is “Vibrational Rubicon” from the new Plenum Void CD "Empyrean Chronicles"♪

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◆ Spiritual TV
アルバム完成発売SP記念『Empyrean Chronicles』2022/2/4





番組の中で各曲を説明しているときと最後に、CDから2曲「The Body Is A Lie ~ 身体は偽り」と「Vibrational Rubicon ~ バイブレーションのルビコン」の音楽を紹介しています♪


Special Program “Empyrean Chronicles” Album Release - Feb. 4, 2022
A special program to commemorate the release of the new album!
Christopher talks about the meaning of the album title and the concept of the album. He also gives explanations of each song

The show is filled with precious information, not only about the making of the album but also about different ways of listening to the CD, music business, mindset of musicians and listeners, key to music production, etc.

In response to a listener’s question, Christopher talks about his personal experiences and music making with Michael Jackson.

There is an announcement toward the end about the new and updated Currell Effect session “CE-EXCALIBUR” which begins from March.

Short audio clips “The Body Is A Lie” and “Vibrational Rubicon” from the album are played during the show and at the closing.

Audio Clips & Teaser Video ♪
TT MUSIC page:

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YouTube TTNチャンネル:

“Free will and illusion. Showcasing the new album” - Dec. 14, 2021
The first half of the show was an update on the Plenum Void recording project. The music making phase is completed and it is in the final stage called mastering. It will be released on 2022 New Year!!

We talked about the episodes of a teaser video from the upcoming CD, which is shown at the end of the program, as well as the importance of messages in the lyrics.

The latter half was dedicated to providing comprehensive explanation to a question from a viewer regarding Free Will and Illusion.

Christopher divided the question into several topics: mechanism of free will, cause and effect, choices/decisions, purpose of spirit, oneness and resonance, mechanism of illusion, problems of mind, structure of a game, symbols, reality and agreement, and the role of of the Currell Effect, which helps participants to know who they are. The show is filled with information that can help deepen people’s understanding.

Upon watching the show, I broke out laughing despite I was on the show. I hope this fun and positive vibration will transmit to the viewers as well.

A teaser video of “Vibrational Rubicon” from the new Plenum Void CD is shown at the end of the show! You can also view the video from our TTN channel.
YouTube TTN Channel:

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◆ Spiritual TV

今回はプレナム・ヴォイドの音楽制作アップデートからスタートしました。もうすぐ新しいCDをリリースする予定です♪ そしてカレルエフェクト(CE)に関する情報が満載です。とても興味深い内容なので、ハイライトを紹介します。







番組の最後にクリストファー・カレルの”Heart Sutra”のCDから”Delight”の曲を流していただきました。

“Who am I? Spirit is interested in motion. Harmonic Resonance of Quantum Potential.” - Sep. 28, 2021
We started with the Plenum Void music production update. The new CD release is coming soon! This show is filled with information on the Currell Effect (CE). Below are some highlights.

CE helps the participants understand who they are as spiritual beings. It expands their world and viewpoints. And allows them to see what they could not see or were not aware before. CE is like a playground.

Christopher explains how the busy mind (noise) works, how to identify the exact spot where the noise started, and how not to get sucked into the busy mind. He also explains about the relationship between the busy mind and attention, energy and psychosomatic illnesses. By doing CE, this mechanism becomes clear.

The real name of CE is “Harmonic Resonance of Quantum Potential.” CE is triggered by sound but CE is not sound! Sound is used to turn it on and the participants enter into a CE zone. Once they are in the CE zone, CE helps them understand who they are as spiritual beings, because there is no past and future. There is no time and distance, so they can travel through universe immediately. They can explore and see things. Seeing other beings and have conversation.

On the deepest level, fundamentally everything is a wave. Energy is moving (vibration). Depending on the pattern, people look at a pattern as a symbol. All knowledge is represented in this universe as patterns. All you have to do is read these patterns and get information. In case of CE, all you have to do is listen.

CE makes it easier to become more aware.

Spirit is here in this reality because he/she is interested in “motion.” Do what you want to do and keep busy. Action is better than no action!

The music played at the end of the show is “Delight” from “Heart Sutra“ CD by Christopher Currell.

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番組の最後にクリストファー・カレルの”Heart Sutra”のCDから”Delight”の曲を流していただきました。

"UFO info disclosed at last! Important to know the truth. Seeing the bigger picture" - Jun. 24, 2021

Christopher starts by giving updates on his current music recording project. He then talks about the current hot topic in the world… UFO, sightings by the US Navy pilots.

Christopher also talks about his personal involvement with a UFO movie project, why UFOs are coming to Earth, and his episodes of UFO sightings.

He mentions about the programming that happened 75 million years ago from a bigger picture point of view. He then explains how the Currell Effect can be a step toward deprogramming, since the CE allows the participants to pop out from their programming and allow them to see what is going on. Knowing who they are more truthfully will ultimately give them power.

Please note that information Christopher provides are all based on his personal experiences and his knowledge, not channeled information.

The music played at the end of the show is “Delight” from “Heart Sutra“ CD by Christopher Currell.

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"Life is like waking on a tightrope! Proper use of mind; receive and analyze. Who is controlling?" - Mar. 16, 2021

It’s been a while since the last appearance. Christopher gives updates on his current Plenum Void music production. He talks about music making process, which starts from an idea and uses tools to transform the original idea and how emotions affects the outcome.

He also explains the importance of taking steps in gradient to increase your skills, and study and leaning for consciousness and awareness expansion.

This talk about the creative process is not only for the artists but can also be applied to everyday life in manifesting various ideas.

In the latter half of the show, Christopher talks about life is like walking on a tightrope. He explains how busy mind wastes energy and time, which could lead people to lose balance and go off the path.

He also talks about the difference between removing traumas and walking a spiritual path, how important it is to be open and not fixed, relationship between energy/speed of particles and health, reason for sleep, different types of dreams, and proper use of mind. They are all very interesting topics and useful information.

He introduces the new video streaming channel, Transformation Tools Network (TTN). There is also an exciting announcement about the Currell Effect, which we will be able to provide in June after an year and three months of absence!

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またカオスと混乱の中で大切なこととして、「Don’t Panic!」「独立機関のデータなどをしっかりとリサーチし勉強する」「常識に従う(相手への思いやりなど)」を提案しています。




番組の最後にクリストファー・カレルによるPlenum Void(プレナム・ヴォイド)の"Cosmic Cafe"のCDから"Gemini Puzzle Part 2"の曲を流していただきました。

"Agree with the Universe. Observe the intention of your action." - Dec. 14, 2020

The content of this show is very appropriate for the end of a very turbulent year 2020!
The show started with updates on the current recording of the new Plenum Void CD. Christopher then shared his views on various topics, which many people are concerned about, such as the situation of COVID, vaccine, world state, etc.

He suggested three things that are important during the time of chaos and confusion: “Don’t Panic!” “Do research and study data by third party independent groups” and “use common sense (caring for others).”

But the most important thing is “to expand and elevate yourself through spiritual work” which Christopher has been mentioning all the time. Through spiritual work, one’s consciousness and awareness expands and as a result one can see things one could not see before and the truth will become apparent.

He also talked about various topics including the reality and agreement, manifestation of ideas and goals, and games in very clear and easy to understand words.

Please realize your dreams by expanding your consciousness and awareness! ♪

The music played at the end of the show is "Gemini Puzzle Part 2" from "Cosmic Cafe" CD by Plenum Void (Christopher Currell).

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"The truth frees people. All you need to do is flourish and prosper." - Oct 20, 2020

The topic covered in this show is something we all have experienced.

There are anti-social people who are suppressive and give negative influences to others. Christopher provides very important data on how to spot such people and how to approach such situations.

I hope this information will help you identify and remove barriers in your life so you can pursuit your dream and flourish and prosper.♪

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番組の最後にクリストファー・カレルによるPlenum Void(プレナム・ヴォイド)の"Cosmic Cafe"のCDから"Hall of Mirrors"の曲を流していただきました。宇宙の要素が漂うリズムとグルーブのあるエレクトロニック・ミュージックをお楽しみください。

"No assumption. Pay attention to what you can actually observe." - July 29, 2020

In the first half of the show, Christopher talks about the progress of his current music project “Plenum Void” and its music production and about Michael Jackson Bad World Tour. In the second half of the show, he gives lots of useful tips on what kind of viewpoints we should have during the pandemic, what we should honor, problems of fixed ideas, etc. in order to live our lives positively.

It was another fun show filled with valuable information.

The music played at the end of the show is "Hall of Mirrors" from "Cosmic Cafe" CD by Plenum Void (Christopher Currell). Please enjoy the electronic music with rhythm and groove with cosmic elements flowing through the songs.

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『この時だからの大変化 考え方を変える 雑念のとり方をシンプルに解説』2020/5/26


楽しさが画面からみなさんにも伝染し、笑いとワクワクのパンデミック(流行病、語源:pan=全て + dēmos=人々)状態です✨

番組の最後にクリストファー・カレルによるPlenum Void(プレナム・ヴォイド)の"Cosmic Cafe"のCDから"Cosmic Cafe"の曲を流していただきました。宇宙の要素が漂うリズムとグルーブのあるエレクトロニック・ミュージックをお楽しみください。

"Think Differently at times like this when big changes are happening. How to simply remove your mental noise." - May 26, 2020

There is laughter, talks about music, the new online channel, CE-RELAX remote session, music project as well as a big announcement and spiritual tips on how to live better life, etc. etc.

A sense of joy and fun seems to resonate out from the screen as if a pandemic (origin: Greek pandēmos = pan ‘all’ + dēmos ‘people’) of laughter and excitement.✨

The music played at the end of the show is "Cosmic Cafe" from "Cosmic Cafe" CD by Plenum Void (Christopher Currell). Please enjoy the electronic music with rhythm and groove with cosmic elements flowing through the songs.

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◆ Spiritual TV スペシャル番組
『地球へ来た理由 任務とは クリスさんのCGも紹介』2020/3/24


♪ FM21『プロジェクトi』- 2月2日に沖縄にて収録 ♪


番組の最後にクリストファー・カレルによるPlenum Void(プレナム・ヴォイド)の"Cosmic Cafe"のCDから"Gemini Puzzle Part 2"の曲を流していただきました。クリストファーのCGを背景に、宇宙の要素が漂うリズムとグルーブのあるエレクトロニック・ミュージックをお楽しみください。

Special Program "THe Reason For Coming To Earth And The Mission" - Mar. 24, 2020

In the previous show aired on Feb. 25, we talked about our appearance on a FM radio in Okinawa. The whole show is introduced on this Spiritual TV program. A fun talk by Christopher, Lie and Kanon (MC) is added before the radio show.

♪ FM21 “Project i” recorded on Feb. 2 at Okinawa ♪
This was our second appearance with Tomoko-san as an MC. The show started with a talk about this Galaxy. He also talked about his view on music. It is filled with very interesting topics.

We provided photos of the radio show and several CG art by Christopher, and Kanon (MC) inserted the images to match the content of the show. It is a wonderful program including several important messages by Christopher.

The music played at the end of the show is "Gemini Puzzle Part 2" from "Cosmic Cafe" CD by Plenum Void (Christopher Currell). Please enjoy the electronic music with rhythm and groove with cosmic elements flowing through the songs along with Christopher's CG as a background.

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番組の最後にクリストファー・カレルによるPlenum Void(プレナム・ヴォイド)の"Cosmic Cafe"のCDから”Endless Fields”の曲を流していただきました。宇宙の要素が漂うリズムとグルーブのあるエレクトロニック・ミュージックをお楽しみください。

"High Power 2020 is A Year of Action! Pay Attention to What is Important for You. Know the Truth." - Feb. 25, 2020

The first appearance of the new year, 2020!

It was a very exciting and fun show filled with conversations about Music and Spirituality! Two hours passed very quickly.

Christopher talked about the relationship between art and spirituality. He says artistic expression reflects artist’s inner side. In order to have a true good vibration and high energy communication, elevating one’s spirituality is the utmost importance. This also applies to everyone in his or her daily lives. Very useful content!

The music played at the end of the show is “Endless Fields“ from "Cosmic Cafe" CD by Plenum Void (Christopher Currell). Please enjoy the electronic music with rhythm and groove with cosmic elements flowing through the songs.

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