Harmonic Resonance of the Quantum Potential


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CE-RELAX   CE & CE-RELAX   CEPP   iExpansion   Music

About Currell Effect


“Sound is a vibration. Like sound, the universe is also vibration.
All knowledge we seek resides there. All we have to do is listen.”
Christopher Currell

About Currell Effect

Christopher Currell has combined the knowledge and discoveries from over 25 years research into the nature of the human consciousness and vibration into an experience called “Currell Effect.” The presentation of the Currell Effect utilizes most advanced high quality auditory display system and is experienced in a setting of a private session.

These sessions are designed so that each person can connect to the universe and have his/her own hyper-dimensional experience from the harmonic resonance of the sound (quantum potential).

The Currell Effect takes the best elements of all the knowledge Christopher has been offering in the past few years. We hope the participants will experience this repeatedly as part of their consciousness expansion and spiritual evolvement process since every experience will be different depending on the spiritual states they are in.

Goal of Transformation Tools

The goal of Transformation Tools is to provide tools to help expand people's consciousness. And the most powerful tool is the Currell Effect. Having many CE practitioners throughout Japan including Okinawa and then throughout the world will provide more opportunities for people to experience CE. Please contact TT office if you are interested in the CEPP.

The journey ultimately begins and ends with you.
We welcome you to join us on this amazing adventure!
Infinite Harmony...
Currell Effect & Transformation Tools

History of CE

♦2012 Nov. - Currell Effect Version 1 & Version 2

Currell Effect started on November 2012, followed by sessions in Kobe, Okinawa and a return visit to Tokyo. It seems that we have hit an approximate 97% success rate based on the written feedback.

After a successful first run, we started a new version of Currell Effect. Many participants had amazing experiences of their consciousness expanding.

We have posted all the feedback on the CE website (currently in Japanese only).

CE version 1

♦2014 June - CEX

Currell Effect has once again evolved. The most advanced “Currell Effect X” or CEX made a full house debut in Tokyo on June 2014. Everything changed, including the sound, playback system and the delivery method. Please see the “Release Information” by Christopher Currell.
CEX Release Information

CEX Session Room

♦2015 March - CE&CE-HD

The Currell Effect once again made a big advancement.

The new Currell Effect, which is more powerful and more refined, debuted in March, 2015. The Currell Effect was finally standardized!

Thanks to the advancement in technology, we were able to provide the CE session using a high quality yet portable headphone system, which provides the quality necessary to invoke the CE process. This allows us to to provide the CE session at more affordable price.

We are also providing an ultimate Currell Effect (CE-HD) sessions using the best headphone system in the world, which was used for CEX.

*Release informatiion on new CE and CE Practitioner Program
Transformation Tools - Projects for 2015

CE & CE-HD Session Rooom

♦2015 Summer - CE Practitioner Program

Transformation Tools launched the Currell Effect Practitioner Program (CEPP), which will make available trained practitioners that can easily deliver the Currell Effect.

A certified CE practitioner will have his/her own portable high definition CE playback system, which can deliver the CE process easily to anyone who wishes to do it.

Information on CE Practitioner Program
Introducing CE Practitioners

◆2016 March - Book Release!! "Currell Effect ~ Harmonic Resonance Of The Quantum Potential"

Much awaited book by Christopher will be released at the lecture "Consciousness, Hyperspace and the Currell Effect" on March 26, 2016!!

In his new book, Christopher Currell reveals and explains for the first time, using physics and quantum mechanics, the complex interactions of sound and their effects on the human mind.

If you are interested in sound, music, the mind and science, you will discover for the first time how and why sound creates such wonderful experiences in human consciousness and human experience.

Online Shop (Japanese)


◆2016 September - "CE-RELAX" Debut!

A new sound session, CE-RELAX is making its debut! The session will take place together with the Currell Effect.

RELAX in CE-RELAX means “Rejuvenated Energy for Life Activation X (infinity).”

Currently the whole world is rapidly changing and today’s society is full of distorted vibrations, which create stress, anxiety, and insomnia.

Want to de-stress? CE-RELAX might be for you!

CE-RELAX is one hour sound session using some of the CE technology. The propose is to de-stress and relax.

This session is very simple and only requires the participant to wear an eye mask and a set of headphones.

We are offering the CE-RELAX session with very affordable price, and the session can be taken as many times as desired with no negative effects. It is a great way to prepare oneself for a CE session as well. Being clear headed, rested and relaxed, allows the CE session to be more effective. We are offering a set price for CE and CE-RELAX.


What are CE and CE-RELAX?

◆2018 December - CEX Returns After 4 Years of Absence

We have decided to provide CEX once again for the first time in 4 years!!

CEX was introduced in June 2014. It is a very powerful sound session and we have noticed that most of the participants were overwhelmed because they were not ready to take such a powerful sound session. The last CEX session provided to the public was Dec. 2014.

However, we have noticed that in the past year and a half, the participants are having not only amazing experiences but also could resonate with the vibration of the universe and/or have important realizations. So we have decided to revive the CEX after 4 years of absence.

However, the participants must take at least three CE sessions in order to take CEX since it is a very powerful session.

We are also providing the standard CE, so please come and experience this exciting sound journey♪

◆2019 June - CE Session, More Seats Added!

We have been blessed with wonderful participants and CE has been full since 2018. Therefore, we decided to invest in equipments so 4 people can take the CE-RELAX & CE/CEX together in one session.

2022 March - ""CE-EXCALIBUR" Debut!"

After very successful CE-RELAX & CE/CEX sessions for seven years, the content of the session will be renewed and more powerful “CE-EXCALIBUR” will be introduced!

The session will be a combination of CE-RELAX (the purpose is to de-stress and relax) and CEX (the advanced level of CE). The session itself will be one and a half hour long. We have also lowered the price so it will be more affordable to take the session.

By integrating two separate CE-RELAX and CEX sessions, it will become one flow, which may lead participants to have more powerful experiences.